The Venerable Lama Sherab Gyaltsen Amipa was born in 1931 in Sakya, in western Tibet. At the age of seven, he entered the main monastery of Sakya, Thubten Lhakhang Chenmo. After completing his basic studies, he deepened his knowledge over many years at the Sakya Monastic University, studying the five higher sciences: pramana (logic), vinaya (discipline), madhyamika (the middle way), prajna paramita (transcendental wisdom), and abhidharma (philosophy). Additionally, he studied the five higher themes: tantra, Tibetan grammar, poetry, history of Buddhism, and Tibetan history. His most significant and relevant Master was his root Guru, H.H. the 40th Sakya Trizin Ngawang Thutob Wangchuk. His Holiness bestowed tantric initiations on numerous deities, the Lamdre, and the 13 Golden Dharmas. These transmissions were then deepened and transformed into spiritual experience during many meditation retreats. After attaining the highest philosophical degree of Geshe Rabjampa, equivalent to a PhD in philosophy, he began teaching the monks of the main Sakya monastery and also laypeople. In 1960, Ven. Lama Sherab, like other Tibetans, went into exile in India where he continued his studies, especially those of his tradition, in the Sakya monasteries of Darjeeling and Dalhousie. In 1967, H.H. the 14th Dalai Lama and the Tibetan government in exile sent him, along with a first group of monks, to Rikon (near Zurich) at the newly established Tibet-Institute. His task was to assist Tibetan refugees in Switzerland. Later, to meet the demand of many interested Westerners, he established numerous Buddhist centers in Europe. The main one is Sakya Tsechen Ling (European Institute of Tibetan Buddhism), founded in 1978 in Kuttolsheim (Strasbourg/France). Others were established in The Hague, Freiburg (Germany), Zurich, Stockholm, Trieste, Toulouse, and Lugano-Arosio. Regular teachings are given at all centers, and two annual retreats take place at the main center. Homage to the Guru In 2010, H.H. Kyabgon Gongma Trichen Rinpoche, in Strasbourg, bestowed the title of Khenchen (Senior Abbot) upon Venerable Lama Sherab. On April 14, 2014, Khenchen Lama Sherab passed away. The wisdom and compassion he transmitted over all these years continue to inspire the disciples who had the fortune to meet him. On April 14, 2014, at 11:04 am, our beloved Guru left his body, but not his ability to transmit the Holy Dharma in a pure and continuous manner.
Homage to the Guru
In his private residence in Rikon, the practices accompanying him on this journey took place, where his precious presence was palpable both day and night.
In accordance with Tibetan tradition, for seven weeks, prayers and auspicious rituals for our Guru were performed in Rikon, in his centers, and in many monasteries.
He dedicated his entire existence to the practice of Dharma, attaining the highest level of education at the monastic university in Sakya. He was chosen by the Dalai Lama to come to Switzerland in the sixties to support the first Tibetan community in exile. But he didn’t stop there; he founded several Dharma Centers in various European nations where he shared, with his disciples, his spiritual experience characterized by great compassionate love and wisdom.
His example as a true Dharma practitioner taught us that deep faith transcends the impermanence of phenomena and that it is the disciples who revive the Masters through their devotion and sincere practice in accordance with the teachings received.
He gave us everything he had and clearly indicated the path to follow. By following his instructions, surely, one reaches the goal, the place where there is no more separation or regret for what one believes to have lost.
He has not left us; he has only transformed, temporarily, his way of teaching. Every time we perform a virtuous action, He is with us; every time our smile is filled with love, we are practicing His teachings; every time we know how to make the right decision, we have understood the Dharma. The disciple who lives in harmony with himself is never alone.
To create the causes and conditions for Rinpoche’s return among us, so that he continues to guide us with his wisdom, you can recite prayers for his swift return. Click the blue link below to download the PDF.

Khenchen La's last teaching
The Middle Way by Nagarjuna

Khenchen La in Tibet
In 1997