April 14 @ 10:00 am – 8:30 pm

Date: MON / 14 APRIL
Time: Monday 10.00 – 12.00 & 19.15 – 20.30
Place: Sakya Tsechen Ling, Kuttolsheim/France & ZOOM
Language: EN
Available translations: FR, DE, IT, NL
Free donation
This year, Monday 14th April, marks the 11th anniversary of Khenchen Sherab (1931 – 2014), founding Master of our centres and highly realised being. Invoking his blessings on this special anniversary is extremely powerful and the benefits are sure to be experienced by all.
10.00 – 12.00 Vairocana ritual
19.15 – 20.45 Guruyoga Lama Chöpa
There is no better method than Guruyoga to invoke spiritual blessings and the Lama Chöpa is the most appropriate and effective ritual for the most important celebrations.
The profound Guruyoga ritual Lama Chöpa will be practised in the evening accompanied by many special offerings prepared for the occasion.
Who would like to participate in these offerings (e.g. flowers, fruits, incense, etc) can send a contribution HERE
In your heart, a spacious sky of love,
clouds of compassion fully gather,
with the rain of activity falling down,
you ripen the harvest of ones to be tamed.
Khenchen Sherab Gyaltsen Amipa, at your feet I bow!
(adapted from a Milarepa’s vajra song)
Register in advance for this meeting on Zoom at least one day in advance.
You will receive a confirmation email from “Sakya Dharma Family Admin” with the Zoom link to participate (click “Click Here To Join”) on the day of the event.