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March 23 @ 10:00 am March 24 @ 4:00 pm

Teaching given by: KHENPO TASHI SANGPO

Date: SAT-SUN 22-23 MARCH

Time: SAT 10.00 -12.00 & 15.00 -17.00, SUN 10.00 -12.00 & 14.30 -16.30

Place: Sala ACTIS, via Corti 3, Trieste

Language: EN

Available translation: IT

In Vajrayana contexts, Buddha Amitabha in his Sambhogakaya form is referred to as Buddha Amitayus, ‘The Buddha of Boundless Life.’ He is particularly associated with longevity. The two are inseparable but appear as different manifestations. 

In the Sakya school, the special long-life yoga associated with the Nine Aspects of Buddha Amitayus is practiced. 

This seminar coincides with the beginning of the Tibetan New Year, which astrologically is considered a particularly challenging year. Therefore, it is highly appropriate to transmit and receive this initiation as a means of protection for ourselves and others.

Those interested are asked to register in advance at the Centre.

For information and seminar registration 

tel. 0039/40 571048 – sakyatrieste@gmail.com