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May 20 @ 7:15 pm 9:00 pm


Course begins 8.10.2024, in total 22 lessons, about 2 Tuesday evenings per month

Date: 4.3. (11), 25.3. (12), 8.4. (13), 22.4. (14), 6.5. (15), 20.5. (16),

Time: 19.15 – 21.00

Place: Thupten Changchup Ling, Arosio/CH & ZOOM

Language: EN

Available translations: IT, DE, FR, NL

Prerequisites: No prerequisites, open to all

Cost: Free of charge with optional donation


Extended Study Program on the Essentials of Classical Buddhist Philosophy

Teachings by H.H. Ratna Vajra Rinpoche

First Year: Abhidharma

19.15: Refuge and meditation on Bodhicitta

19.30: Listening to teachings of H.H. Ratna Vajra Rinpoche with translation

20.30: Meditation: contemplation of the topics discussed and rest in the empty presence.

You can write any questions you may have on the subject HERE. Khenpo Tashi will occasionally answer them in question-answer sessions.

About the Program 

From the Buddhist perspective, engaging in the progressive steps of study, contemplation, and meditation acquaints us with wisdom, empowering us with the potential to become great practitioners. The Dharma Chakra Program (DCP) is designed to provide the indispensable elements of the philosophical tradition in a succinct manner. This program is an extraordinary opportunity to develop a deep understanding of the main tenets of classical Buddhist philosophy through one of the most esteemed erudites of our time, His Holiness the 42nd Sakya Trizin, Ratna Vajra Rinpoche. 

This extended study program provides the everyday practitioner in the modern world with rare access to the essence of Mahayana philosophy through an unbroken lineage, a privilege traditionally available only in monastic universities. 

What You’ll Learn

Year 1: Abhidharma 

Year 2: Bodhisattvacharyavatara Chapters 1 – 6
Year 3: Bodhisattvacharyavatara Chapters 7 – 10
Year 4: Madhyamaka
Year 5: Uttaratantra

The Dharma Chakra Program in the European centres founded by Khenchen Sherab:

The Dharma Chakra Program is an initiative of the Sachen Foundation and can be followed online in English by anyone via their dedicated website: 


In our centres we offer about two meetings per month, both in presence and online, where we listen together to the teachings of H.H. Ratna Vajra Rinpoche with translation into Italian, French, German and Dutch. After the teachings there will be a 30-minute meditation in which we can reflect on the topics covered and then rest a while in the empty presence. 

There will be occasional question-and-answer sessions with Khenpo Tashi. Questions should be submitted through this form. On the Sachen Foundation website dedicated to this study programme, you will find additional material in English on the topics discussed, which we will also use in our meetings if necessary.

First Year: Abhidharma (22 lessons)

“The mind is everything. What you think, you become.” -Vasubandhu

The Buddha’s teachings are traditionally classified into three collections: Vinaya, Sutra, and Abhidharma. 

Abhidharma is a collection of the Buddha’s highest teachings focused on wisdom training. It examines the nature of reality, the mind, and mental phenomena, guiding us toward a deeper understanding of the nature of reality. Its profound insights into the workings of consciousness and the essence of existence, provide a comprehensive framework for understanding Buddhist psychology and philosophy across all three vehicles or yanas.

In this course, His Holiness the 42nd Sakya Trizin will focus on the Treasury of Abhidharma or Abhidharmakośa, authored by Vasubandhu, a prominent Indian Buddhist scholar and master from the 4th or 5th century. Abhidharmakośa, considered one of the thirteen great texts utilized as the core curriculum in most traditional Tibetan Buddhist centers for teaching or shedras, serves as a seminal work in the Mahayana tradition. It provides a structured overview of Abhidharma teachings and is extensively studied by all Tibetan traditions.

The vast teachings of Abhidharma and Buddhist psychology provide a path to a clear and deep view of the nature of reality, bringing us closer to understanding our minds and freeing ourselves from suffering. The study of, including texts like the Abhidharmakośa, equips practitioners with invaluable insights and tools to deepen their spiritual journey, foster wisdom, and lead a more meaningful and fulfilling life.

These lessons will bring you closer to:

  •  A deeper understanding of your emotions and thoughts.
  •  Cultivating a stable meditation practice.
  •  Distilling the profound teachings of Tibetan Buddhism.
  •  Learning about the doctrinal differences between the ancient Buddhist schools.
  •  Exploring consciousness and mental processes.
  •  Analysing the nature of reality.
  •  Connecting with the law of karma, impermanence, and emptiness.

The reference texts can be downloaded HERE

Join us at the temple in Arosio (CH):
Please register at least two days before the event to participate in person in Arosio (using the link below).

Register in advance for this meeting on Zoom at least one day in advance.
You will receive a confirmation email from “Sakya Dharma Family Admin” with the Zoom link to participate (click “Click Here To Join”) on the day of the event.